Submission criteria: Submissions are juried according to artistic merit and with respect to both the contents of the magazine and the academic environment. We discourage commercial photography (advertising, product shots, marketing, etc).
Digital File Preparation:
- File format: .jpg, .pdf or .tif
- 10 images maximum
- File size: 10mb maximum for each image
- Color profile: RGB or CMYK
- Image size: maximum height 10” (or 3,000px) for portrait images. Maximum width 16” (or 5,100px) for landscape images.
- Image resolution: 300dpi
- File names: Please name your file with the following naming convention: “FirstName_LastName_WorkTitle.jpg”
- File names should contain no spaces, or any special characters (like ! # $ % ^ @ + , : ; + ( )
- File names should contain no period other than the one before the file extension (.jpg)
All submissions must be high resolution scans or stills of original art.
If selected for inclusion in the journal, we may assist with scanning, but we strongly encourage you to have your work appropriately documented for entry.
*Important: Artists will need a gmail account to submit work.